The Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier


A reverse osmosis water purifier is one of the most thorough forms of water filtration available. Its filtering membrane can reduce more than 99% of bacteria, heavy metals, total dissolved solids (TDS), organics, and inorganic compounds. In addition, a reverse osmosis system is one of the best ways to remove fluoride from water, which the Environmental Protection Agency states can cause dental and bone disease.

A reverse osmosis water purifier system features four stages of filtration, starting with a sediment filter to remove the largest particles and rust that can clog the subsequent filters. A pre-carbon block uses activated carbon to prevent anything with a larger molecular weight than water, such as soluble minerals and chemical compounds, from passing through. This is followed by the reverse osmosis membrane, which removes molecules that are bigger than water—including sodium, high levels of lead, and dissolved minerals—and finally a post-carbon filter to polish the water and ensure it’s safe for direct consumption.

What is Reverse Osmosis? A Guide to RO Water Filtration

The final product is RO water, which can be used for drinking, cooking, making coffee, and cleaning. Because the process removes many healthy minerals, it’s important to purchase a system that includes a remineralizer. That way, you can add back in healthy calcium and other essential nutrients that were removed during the filtration process.

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