The Dangers of Authoritarian Parenting


authoritarian parenting

authoritarian parenting is a very strict style that demands obedience from children without much discussion or flexibility. Parents with this style may use yelling and corporal punishment to enforce their rules, and they are not usually very nurturing. Children who grow up in this environment tend to have low self-esteem, and they may also struggle with mental health issues.

Parenting is a sacred calling, and it’s important for parents to take the time to consider how their approach will shape their child’s future. While there are some advantages to authoritarian parenting in certain cultural contexts, research has shown that this approach can lead to problems such as poor self-esteem and trouble regulating emotions.

Authoritarian vs. Authoritative Parenting: A Comparative Analysis

For example, when a teen uses alcohol or drugs, an authoritarian parent would likely punish them by refusing to let them see friends or cut off access to their phone for a month. These types of harsh punishments can leave a teen with low self-esteem and feelings of being trapped, and they may even feel they deserve to be punished because they don’t listen to their parent’s advice.

Another problem is that children of authoritarian parents don’t learn how to express their emotions or make decisions on their own because these parents place a high value on obedience. This can lead to them having difficulty trusting other authority figures and may cause them to rebel against their parents in adulthood. Research has also found that children raised in authoritarian parenting have poorer self-esteem as adults (Jannah et al 2022; Pinquart & Gerke 2019).

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